Category Archives: High Asset Divorce

Are Unvested Stock Options Considered a Marital Asset in A Divorce?

In the 2001 case of Toni Baccanti v. George I. Morton, 434 Mass 787 the Massachusetts Supreme Court considered the question of whether a Probate Judge abused his discretion in dividing marital property in a divorce proceeding particularly with regard to unvested stock options that the couple had. Summary of the Case: In Baccanti v.…
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Alimony in Massachusetts: How Much and for How Long?

by: Marcia Mavrides, Esq. How long? Massachusetts alimony law is clear regarding how long support, which is known as general term alimony, will have to be paid by one spouse to the other.  This durational limitation for marriages under twenty years is based on the number of months you were been married:  from date of…
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Should I Tell My Divorce Lawyer Everything?

Failure to disclose important information to your attorney can damage your case. Every Massachusetts divorce case is different, with many moving parts. So, when you contemplate whether you should tell your divorce lawyer everything, the answer is yes. What is considered important in a MA divorce case? If you are unsure about whether something is…
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Does every bank account need to be disclosed?

Yes. Whether you are listing all bank accounts on your financial statement, producing documents for the mandatory Rule 410 Disclosure or in response to a Request for Production of Documents, every account for which your name is on must be disclosed. Therefore, whether you may have a joint account with your parents or if you…
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