By: Julia Rodgers Studies show that the process of divorce, when not managed properly, causes stress. As you probably know, stress compromises the immune system, and can lead to illness. Managing stress through a divorce is the first way to keeping calm and staying healthy. Here are five tips to get you started. Quiet Time…
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What is a Parenting Plan and Do I Need One?
By: Christina Pashou, Esq. A parenting plan outlines the obligations and arrangements you have agreed upon with your former spouse regarding how you intend to raise your child(ren). Alone, a parenting plan is not considered a legal document. However, when incorporated into your Separation Agreement, the parenting plan becomes a court order, enforceable by the…
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If We Have Equal Custody Who Pays for Support?
By: Christina Pashou, Esq. Support Guidelines, shared physical custody means that the parenting time is approximately 50% / 50% between two parents. In Massachusetts, both parents have a duty to support their child(ren). Typically, only the noncustodial parent makes child support payments. However, if your parenting time results in an approximate 50% / 50% split, you may qualify for a different child…
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What is an “Uncontested” Divorce?
By: Jennifer R. Silva, Esq. In Massachusetts, there is a mechanism for spouses to become divorced when the parties are already in full agreement as to all terms related to their divorce including, but not limited, to, child support and/or alimony, custody/parenting time of the children, division of assets, division of debt, and issues…
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