By: Julia Rodgers Children are remarkably resilient, and are able to cope with a divorce when they are provided with the tools to do so. Helping your kids foster those coping skills is easier than you may think, and simply takes some time, effort, and follow through. Here are a few ways you can help…
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What Happens to Property When an Unmarried Couple Breaks Up?
By: Marcia Mavrides, Esq. As most of us are aware, a legal marriage similar to a binding business partnership. This means that even if one of the partner-spouses makes no financial contribution to the house or perhaps is not even listed as an owner on the title, then upon divorce, that non-contributing/non-titled spouse may still…
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Childhood is for a Finite Period of Time: Make the Most of it!

Advice for divorcing parents from Boston divorce lawyer, Marcia Mavrides by: Marcia Mavrides It is the rare situation when separated or divorced parents are able to co-parent without any stress or conflict. For the vast majority of the rest of us, the increased financial pressures that accompany the cost associated with maintaining two separate homes,…
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New Case: Applying the Durational Limits of the Alimony Reform Act
By: Jennifer Silva, Esq. This week, we received further insight from the Supreme Judicial Court regarding the constitutionality of the Alimony Reform Action of 2011 (“The Act”); specifically, with respect to the application of the durational limits of The Act to merged alimony agreements that predate The Act’s effective date. In the Van Arsdale case,…
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