by: Julia Rodgers In general, each party is responsible for their attorneys fees. However, if you have no access to money because your spouse controls the finances, you can file a motion for attorneys fees “pendente lite,” in which case a judge may order an advance on your share of the marital assets for your…
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What is a “GAL”?
by: Julia Rodgers A Guardian Ad Litem, commonly referred to as a “GAL”, is a third-party professional appointed by the court to report on and/or advise the court on matters relating to a minor child. The court may adopt the recommendations of the GAL. It is important to note that, unless appointed to do so,…
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The Power of a Trust in Divorce

by: Christina Pashou, Esq. The Massachusetts case of Pfannenstiehl v. Pfannenstiehl could have lead to a court decision that would have negatively impacted the estate planning goals of families who wish to protect trust assets in divorce cases. In 2015, the Massachusetts Appeals Court ruled that a portion of a trust created by the parents…
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Quick Tips: Summer Vacationing Out of State With Your Children
by: Julia Rodgers Many children (and parents) are looking forward to their summer vacation, which often will involve traveling. If you are a parent who may be bringing your child on vacation out of state (and within the United States), it is good practice- and may be required by Court Order- to notify the other…
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