Category Archives: Prenuptial Agreements

The Importance Of A Prenuptial Agreement

For many Norfolk County couples, bringing up the topic of a prenuptial agreement with their future spouse seems unromantic. However, marriage isn't just a love story. Entering into the bonds of marriage is also a financial and social contract. Since approximately 40 to 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, says the American Psychological Association,…
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Prenuptial Agreements Are More Common

When it comes to marriage, many couples used to think all you need is love. But with increasingly difficult economic times, many now find they also need a prenuptial agreement. Seventy-three percent of divorce attorneys reported seeing an increase in demand for prenuptial agreements over the past five years, according to a recent survey conducted…
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Prenuptial Agreements

A Prenuptial Agreement is an agreement that identifies the parties’ financial obligations and property rights with respect to property held prior to the marriage. Additionally, a Prenuptial Agreements may address income and property accumulated during the marriage and spousal support that may be paid in the event of divorce. People enter into Prenuptial Agreements prior…
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