
What is a Discovery Deadline?

If you have a contested divorce, paternity, or modification matter pending with the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court, it is likely that the Judge will enter a “discovery deadline” date.  This deadline is set by the Judge in order to move the case forward and ensure that both sides are gathering the necessary documents/information to…
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How to Sell Real Estate During a Divorce

Many divorce actions involve real estate owned by one or both parties.  Through the divorce process, you will discuss and hopefully agree upon the ultimate division of the real estate, which may include the property being sold or one party “buying out” the other party’s equitable interest in the real estate.  If the parties cannot…
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What is a Contempt Action After Divorce?

In the event that your former spouse refuses to follow the terms of a Divorce Judgment issued by the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court, your recourse is to file a Complaint for Contempt seeking enforcement of that Judgment.  In order for the Judge to find your former spouse in contempt, there must be: A clear…
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Does every bank account need to be disclosed?

Yes. Whether you are listing all bank accounts on your financial statement, producing documents for the mandatory Rule 410 Disclosure or in response to a Request for Production of Documents, every account for which your name is on must be disclosed. Therefore, whether you may have a joint account with your parents or if you…
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