Category Archives: Boston Divorce

What on Earth Is the Rule 411 Automatic Restraining Order?!

          I am often asked about what the Rule 411 Automatic Restraining Order means, and how it will affect a client's divorce. The most common concerns relating to this subject go something like this... "...but how will I pay my bills?" "How will I be able to pay my attorney if…
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How to Cope with an Unwanted Divorce

Let’s face it: many of the millions of divorces that take place in the United States are unwanted by one spouse in the relationship. Some can see the divorce coming, whereas others are completely blindsided. In one study, a total of 62% of people surveyed (42% men and 20% women) wanted their marriage to work…
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How the Coronavirus May Impact Your Divorce and Family Finances in Massachusetts

The coronavirus crisis continues to have a rippling effect on all aspects of life, including placing additional strain on marriages and exacerbating relations between co-parents. Additionally, many people have lost their jobs due to a stalemated economy. The unemployment rate in Massachusetts was 15.1% in April 2020, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St.…
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All About Massachusetts Financial Statements & Divorce

What’s the difference between Rule 401 and Rule 410? Upon filing a Complaint for Divorce in Massachusetts, two important court rules apply to both spouses - Supplemental Probate and Family Court Rule 401, and Supplemental Probate and Family Court Rule 410. Both rules require certain financial information to be disclosed and exchanged between spouses as…
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