
Understanding General Term Alimony

While divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage, divorce may include the order of support for one party to pay the other. Alimony, also known as spousal support, is payment of support from one spouse who has the ability to pay, to the other spouse who has a need for financial support for a…
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How to Seek Immediate Action During Your Divorce

  Q: I want my spouse to continue paying our mortgage while we are in the process of getting a divorce…how can I be sure my spouse will make these payments? A: You will need a court order to enforce payments. This is called a Motion for Temporary Orders seeking the specific action you want.…
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All Sources of Income Included in Child Support Calculation

It’s important to remember that when calculating the amount of child support to be paid, you must include income from all sources, including bonuses, commissions and the more unusual income that an employee can derive from restricted stock options and other unique kinds of compensation for employment. On January 22, 2016, the Appeals Court in…
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Financial Statements

Q: What is a financial statement? A: A financial statement is a snapshot of your current financial status. The Massachusetts Probate and Family Courts require you to fill out a Financial Statement in divorce cases, separate support cases, custody cases, and child support cases. A financial statement is a snapshot of your current financial status.…
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