
When Can I Modify Custody?

  By: Christina Pashou, Esq. A custody or parenting plan can be changed/modified by the court if the parent seeking the change can prove two elements: (1) a significant change in circumstances has occurred since the judgment or temporary order was made and (2) that the best interests of the child(ren) are not being met by the…
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Part II Divorce Basics: Marital Property

Marital property has a different definition, depending on which state you reside in. Where you live impacts how assets and debts will be divided in your divorce. How does the Court divide marital property? There are two types of property division: Community Property and Equitable Division. . Some states are considered “Community Property” states, and…
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Part I Divorce Basics: Contested Divorce v. Uncontested Divorce

In this series, “Divorce Basics,” we will cover a different area of divorce. Each series will answer various questions that you may have before getting a divorce. What is a contested divorce? A contested divorce is when you and your spouse do not agree upon the terms of divorce, such as the division of property, debt, custody,…
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