Divorce is a very difficult time for everyone involved. As a divorcing spouse, not only are you dealing with the breakdown of your marriage and the ramifications of the divorce on your children, but all of your “dirty laundry” is being aired to people that you just met (e.g. your divorce attorney, public sitting in…
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Automatic Restraining Order In Massachusetts Divorce Cases
Spouses that have filed for divorce or spouses that are contemplating divorce should be aware of the fact that in every Massachusetts divorce case there is an automatic restraining order. This automatic restraining order is in effect for the Plaintiff-spouse upon his/her filing of the divorce complaint and is in effect for the Defendant-spouse upon…
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How Does Infidelity Affect Divorce In Massachusetts?
There are a myriad of reasons couples get divorced. Historically, one of the most significant grounds for divorce was adultery. It was viewed as an extremely serious infringement on the essence of a marriage. Today, marriage is less sacrosanct and we see a lot more cases of adultery that don’t necessarily lead toward divorce. How…
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Avoid Texting and Social Media During Divorce
Social media during divorce, sending your spouse text messages, tweeting, or posting on Facebook in the heat of the moment, can be extremely detrimental during your divorce process. Having a written statement of your thoughts and feelings with the record of time is a powerful piece of evidence that can come back to haunt you…
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