Massachusetts Attorneys: Child Custody and Visitation Disputes
If you need help resolving visitation disputes of any kind, contact the experienced family law attorneys at Mavrides Law. The firm handles a wide range of visitation disputes, and all other child custody issues, including:
- Parental-Alienation-Syndrome: ABA Publication "Creative Parenting Plans" by John Hartson, Ph.d. and Brenda Payne, Ph.d.
- Home relocation disputes
- Visitation disputes during a divorce
- Visitation modifications (change of visitation after a divorce)
- Child Custody modifications
- Supervised visitation
- Visitation disputes in a paternity case
For an initial consultation about a child custody or visitation matter, contact Mavrides Law .
Putting Children First
The attorneys at Mavrides Law encourage parents to always put the needs of children first. Divorce can be a particularly difficult time in the life of a child. Whenever possible, Mavrides Law utilizes negotiation and mediation as an amicable means of resolving visitation disputes.
High Conflict Cases
Even parents with the best intentions can have honest disputes about what is best for their children. Disputes over a home relocation, scheduling conflicts and other obstacles can result in disputes that are not easily resolved by agreement.
When cases may not be resolved by agreement, and a contested hearing or trial is necessary, Mavrides Law has the experience necessary to protect your rights. Attorney Marcia Mavrides has more than 30 years of experience in family law. She is an experienced trial lawyer who prepares meticulously for the possibility of trial in each case.
Quincy Visitation Lawyers • Boston Visitation Lawyers
To speak with a divorce and family law attorney, contact Mavrides Law in Quincy or Boston, Massachusetts. To schedule an initial consultation, call 617-723-9900 or contact the firm by email.