Contact Us

Boston, Newton, and Wellesley locations

Mavrides Law
Boston Office
10 High Street #1002
Boston, MA 02110
Local: 617-723-9900
Fax: 617-723-9903
Map and Directions: NOTE - If you are using GPS please use 155 Federal St, Boston, Ma 02110.  This is the alternate entrance to our firm.

Contact Us...Info

Mavrides Law has convenient offices located in Boston, Newton, and Quincy, Massachusetts.
To schedule an initial consultation with a Boston divorce attorney or family law attorney,
contact us by calling 617-723-9900.

To contact Mavrides Law by email, and meet with a divorce lawyer in Boston,
please use the contact form provided at right or email us at [email protected]

Legal Disclaimer

The use of the Internet, or the contact us form, for communication with the law firm,
or any individual member of the firm, does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through the contact us form.

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    Mavrides Law, Newton Office
    Riverside Center
    275 Grove Street
    Suite 2-400
    Newton, MA 02466
    Toll Free: 617-723-9900
    Fax: 617-723-9903
    Map and Directions


    Mavrides Law, Wellesley Office
    27 Mica Rd
    Wellesley, MA 02481
    Toll Free: 617-723-9900
    Fax: 617-723-9903
    Map and Directions

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